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  • Our Words Matter

Building a shelter for pets affected by domestic violence

Contributed by Julie Chapman, KidsCan founder and CEO

Source of article: NZ Herald, 20 May 2019

New research from Women's Refuge reveals a huge number of women delay leaving abusive relationships because they fear what will happen to their pets

"There are a lot of different things going on which prevent women from leaving domestic violence and not wanting to leave their animals behind is one of them," she said. "Our position is, let's remove the barrier so we can make it easier for them to leave.

"Pets become like family and quite frankly you wouldn't leave anyone in your family behind, would you?"

By accident I heard about the situation about pets needing somewhere to go when women go into a refuge and that it was a big issue

Julie Chapman, KidsCan founder and chief executive, has set up a new Pet Refuge - a shelter that is totally free of charge and will provide a safe place for pets until their owners find safe violence-free accommodation. It will house cats, dogs, birds and other small animals.

Larger animals will be looked after at one of a network of safe farms.


Click here to read the full article on NZ Herald:

Click here to make a donation to build the pet refuge shelter:



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