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Our Words Matter

Important values for our boys and girls

Contributed by Stacey Shortall

Letter to editor, source Dominion Post, 11 Nov 2013

Many people have reacted with total disgust to the news that teenage boys in a Facebook group called Roast Busters had been bragging online for several years about allegedly having sex with drunk underage girls. There is no other proper reaction.

Time will tell whether any of these young men face criminal prosecution. But, for now, let's not lose sight of the broader issue about how our sons value our daughters.

Let's take the disgust we feel towards this alleged behaviour and use it to fuel discussion with our children.

Let's reiterate to our boys that exploitation of girls is plain wrong.

Let's emphasise to our girls that they're valued and entitled to respect at all times. Let's speak with our children about drinking and vulnerability and responsibility and accountability.

Let's make it safe for our children to speak up if they see or hear of others being hurt, humiliated or bullied. Let's take back what these particular boys seem to believe they possess - control.

We in New Zealand are so much better than this story, which now seems to be grabbing international headlines.

Let's make time to remind our children of that.



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